Crepe Murder

Crepe Myrtle Close upCrepe Myrtle’s are a beautiful tree or shrub (depending on their size) that faithfully flowers through the heat of summer. Unfortunately, toomany landscapers and homeowners have taken to topping these graceful trees and shrubs in a yearly ritual which has gained the moniker, Crepe Murder. This extreme pruning turns these beautiful trees into ugly stumps. It can prevent the formation of their beautiful bark, attracts aphids and powdery mildew, and severely weaken branches that will attempt to hold up their flowers come summer.

Crepe Murder- pruningIf it’s too late and you are now dealing with this ugly stump in your yard or at your business, there is hope. Crepe Myrtles can be brought back to their former beauty with a good bit of worthwhile effort. Look for that information in an upcoming blog.

Crepe Murder

What is crepe murder?

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