Fungi Facts

Fungi problem in shrubs

May is here!

The old adage says, “April showers bring May flowers,” and so far April hasn’t disappointed; we’ve had a lot of rain recently, and as we go into May many buds are popping open and new growth is everywhere. But with rain can come something else entirely: fungi! Keeping an eye on your trees and shrubs for symptoms of fungus is important as we begin to get into late-Spring, early-Summer weather.

The Appearance of Fungi

Apple cedar rust
Apple Cedar Rust

With the weather getting warmer and continually more humid, especially when partnered with rainy conditions that we’ve seen recently, fungi will become even more present on plants around your property. For example, one we’ve been seeing recently is Cedar Apple Rust. Another really common fungus in our area is Dogwood Anthracnose. Anthracnose can affect many plants but it has the ability to quickly destroy a Dogwood Tree, starting with the flowers. Look for small brown spots with a purple ring around them. Over time, these spots will expand and destroy entire leaves. A fungus that affects a lot of evergreen trees like Leyland Cypress is called Passalora canker. This canker will spread throughout the tree and start causing needles to turn brown and fall off. Look for browning needles starting at the bottom of the tree, then moving up and out as the season goes on. Left untreated this can decimate a row of closely planted Leyland Cypress trees.

Are You Feeding Your Trees Regularly?

Diseases can affect any part of the tree from the root system, the leaves, the trunk, and even the inner vascular system. Did you know that a healthy tree can protect itself better against diseases and fungal attacks than weak, malnourished trees? This is why it’s so important to make sure your trees and shrubs are getting regularly fed and fertilized with nutrients that can keep them strong!

Want to make sure your trees and shrubs are healthy and protected? That’s what we’re here for! Give one of our offices a call to schedule an appointment with one of our Certified Arborists; they’ll walk around your property with you, answer any questions, and recommend a program to keep your plants looking great and refreshed. Schedule your appointment today!

Fungi Facts

May is here!

The Appearance of Fungi

Are You Feeding Your Trees Regularly?

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