Charlotte, NC— Schneider Tree Care, Certified Arborists and tree care experts, were handpicked to provide tree services to North Carolina’s record breaking Willow Oak tree. The tree is a staggering 99 inches in diameter. The historic Willow Oak will be receiving the “Total Protection Package” from Schneider Tree Care. Ryan Chipman, Certified Arborist, explains the package in further detail.
“The total protection package for this tree includes pruning to remove deadwood only. We don’t want to remove green healthy growth from this tree unless absolutely necessary, all of the leaves are food factories. We will fertilize this tree twice annually to improve and maintain soil health and reduce compaction. We are spraying this tree to reduce the amount of harmful insects on the tree which was likely brought to the tree by the development of the neighborhood. We will also perform protective borer sprays to help keep borer insects out of the tree. And lastly, we will inspect and maintain the lightening protection system in the tree.”
The tree is located in Union County and the goal of the community is to preserve the health of the tree. This is why they chose Schneider Tree Care. As explained by a local resident, “Schneider Tree Care understands that pruning a tree is more than just cutting off limbs.” The Schneider Tree Care team worked carefully to remove any dead, dying and diseased limbs to eliminate any points of entry for disease and fungus.
Experts Give Advice On Warning Signs
Sean Muserallo, WYFF News 4 Digital Reporter
GREENVILLE, S.C. — The recent stormy weather has some people on edge about trees swaying in the wind in their yard.
Many trees fell Wednesday during the bad storm that blew through the area.
One Greenville family took preventative action. They knew the tree was leaning so they decided to call a professional tree service to support it with ropes before it fell onto someone’s house.
Arborist Scott Carlson and his team used heavy-duty ropes to keep the 50-foot tree stable.
Carlson said, “Seventy percent of trees that fail and limbs that fail usually do so because of a pre-existing condition. What that means is that it can be prevented.”
There are some tell-tale signs that a tree could be the next to go, according to Carlson.
He suggests all homeowners get out in their yard and look for these warning signs:
-Large, dead branches in the tree. -Mushrooms growing at the base. -Cavities or rotten wood in the trunk. -Cracks or splits in the trunk -The tree has developed a lean.
Carlson said, “I don’t mind leaning trees so much, but I do tell people to notice to make sure there isn’t upheaval on the back side of the tree.”
The Arborist recommends everybody evaluate the trees on their property before the first winter storm.
“Trees are the largest asset on your property, or they could be the largest liability,” Carlson said.
If there is a large tree that raises concerns, Carlson suggests consulting a professional tree service to see what course of action is appropriate.
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