Getting to the Root of Your Tree Problem


What Can Happen to Your Trees After A Heavy Rain?

Storm damage includes more than physical damage. All of the leaves scattered across your yard, snapped twigs, and cracked branches are relatively easy to catch with a visual inspection. But if you’ve had a lot of unexpected rainfall, or even if it’s your regular rainy season, your trees can be hurt by the moisture, too. You should have a professional tree service company check for these problems after heavy storms:

Is there root rot?

Root rot can happen anytime your trees are overwatered. Poor irrigation systems can cause the problem just as much as too much rain. If the roots are surrounded by too much water and can’t get enough oxygen, then they will die. That doesn’t mean the tree itself needs to be removed, but it does mean the tree will start relying on a smaller and smaller root system. If the symptoms aren’t caught early on then you’ll see more drastic damage later in the season with stressed leaves that die early in the summer. Experts can check the overly moist soil for blackening roots and soft wood, which are signs that infection or disease can easily set in.

What can you do to stop the spread?

Like with any problem, diagnosis is the first step to solving it. If you see a few signs of damage before your arborist’s regularly scheduled inspection, call them in early. They can remove the damaged roots to minimize the spread of the disease. They can also recommend the best ways to repair the soil for better drainage and healthier organic material. The faster any damage is caught, the more of the tree that can be saved. Having a tree service management plan helps keep trees healthier because they’re inspected and treated regularly. Contact our experienced arborists today to set up an inspection or to start a regularly scheduled tree care program.

Getting to the Root of Your Tree Problem

What Can Happen to Your Trees After A Heavy Rain?

Is there root rot?

What can you do to stop the spread?

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