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Can Pruning Really Help Reduce Damage?

Man pruning branches
We’ve had a lot of fluctuating weather in the past few months, and there have been times when its been especially cold (even snowing). What is the best way to take care of your trees and shrubs when the weather gets chilly? Do plants even get seriously affected by cold weather, frost, or snow? Many plants may not recover from cold conditions; trees and shrubs have extremities just like us, which means, if they get cold enough, they can get frostbite too! Not to mention, because we’ve had such crazy weather going back and forth between cold and hot, some trees and shrubs have already begun the blooming process. Should temperatures drop too low, this can cause damage and dieback in any new growth. So what can you do to help your plants and make sure that they flower as they ought to this spring?

1. Pay Attention

Be patient. Sometimes a plant just needs more time to recover and leaf out; just because your trees and shrubs have limbs that look dead, it doesn’t mean the plant is dead. Consulting an arborist before doing any sort of removal or heavy pruning is a helpful step in order to promote health and new growth. Foliage, particularly on shrubs, may look burnt or withered due to frost damage; most of the time the damage doesn’t affect further into the plant, and new growth will appear if properly taken care of.

2. Pruning

Removing the dieback and deadwood from trees and shrubs is a critical step for new growth to be exposed. Talk to your arborist about pruning away the dead limbs to make room for new, healthy buds.

3. Mulch

Adding an extra layer of mulch around the bed of your trees and shrubs provides a cushion that will help retain moisture, as well as a buffer against colder conditions. Water runs all throughout a plant’s system, so if it gets cold enough the water inside will freeze, causing serious damage. Extra mulch on top of the tree’s base and root zone will only help to further protect it from frost and internal harm. When laying down mulch, be sure to put down no more than 2-3 inches. Over-mulching can actually cause more harm than good. For more tree pruning tips and help with all of your tree service needs, contact us today and speak with one of our professional arborists.

Can Pruning Really Help Reduce Damage?

Pay Attention



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